News from Daylight

David Maisel's "Black Maps: American Landscape and the Apocalyptic Sublime"

Check out David Maisel's upcoming exhibition, "Black Maps: American Landscape and the Apocalyptic Sublime" at the CU Art Museum in Colorado. Composed of large-scale photographs, this exhibition leads the viewer...


Submit your images to "Seen.Unseen", Hinterland's international call for submissions. The exhibition seeks images that uncover the unseen or picture something seen in an unusual way. Submission deadline is February...

New York Photography Portfolio Review

Apply for the first New York Photography Portfolio Review sponsored by the New York Times Lens Blog, a two-day gathering in April featuring private critiques, discussions and workshops. A great...

The Promised Land (Bryan Schutmaat)

  The American Dream, a term coined by James Adams over half a century ago, has gone through many manifestations and produced a variety of Americas, some of which are...

Alphabet of Light, #21, by Kirsten Rian (Ula Wiznerowicz)

“If it weren't for my mother-in-law calling the police I wouldn't be here now,” caption.      Photograph by Ula Wiznerowicz   Here, Then, An Elegy of Sorts “I must...

Alphabet of Light #20, by Kirsten Rian (Fazal Sheikh)

Photograph by Fazal Sheikh   Distillation   “Forgetting would be an insult to one’s humanity. To heal we must remember. We need to know what the scars are for.” --Tom...