News from Daylight

ppp: Adam Golfer > Joe Leavenworth > Bryan Schutmaat > Debora Mittelstaedt > Cass Bird

    This blog series is created by choosing a photograph by a photographer who's work I greatly appreciate, that photographer picks a photograph by another photographer, that photographer picks...

and circle: Marcel Musil, Bea De Giacomo, Pieter Hugo

  "There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. " Leonard Cohen           Marcel Musil, Icelandic Volcanoes, 2011. Pieter Hugo, from "Permanent Error",...

ppp: Yazan Khalili > Tarek Al Ghoussein > Hala Al-Ani > Anas Al-Shaikh > Hassan Meer

  This blog series is created by choosing a photograph by a photographer who's work I greatly appreciate, that photographer picks a photograph by another photographer, that photographer picks a...


We are pleased to announce the winners of the 2011 Daylight/CDS Photo Awards! PROJECT PRIZE: Tamas Dezso, Budapest, Hungary WORK-IN-PROCESS PRIZE: David Pace, Los Altos, California     PHOTO AWARDS...

Photography workshop inside notorious Columbian prison

In September 2009 photojournalist Vance Jacobs was invited to Medellin, Colombia by the Centro Colombo Americano to teach a photography workshop to inmates in a maximum security prison in the city. He spent a...

RIP Howard Stein, benefactor and collector, 1927-2011

Last night Howard Stein, investment guru of Dreyfus Corporation fame, passed away after a stroke at his home in Southampton this week, the New York Times reports. What the Times...