I first met Pete Mauney when I started taking photography at Bard College in the early Nineties. Pete was one of the older kids, been around the darkroom for a...
News from Daylight
A couple of months ago, the folks over at BenQ sent us a test unit of their "Ultra Portable Projector," the BenQ GP1. This projector is designed for photographers and...
The Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University has awarded the twentieth Dorothea Lange-Paul Taylor Prize to photographer Tiana Markova-Gold and writer Sarah Dohrmann, both Americans. The $20,000 award is...
Socrates Sculpture Park: in collaboration with Museum of the Moving Image and Rooftop Films Present OUTDOOR CINEMA 2010 12TH ANNUAL FESTIVAL OF INTERNATIONAL FILM, MUSIC, DANCE AND FOOD CELEBRATING...
The Tenement Museum announces the launch of its online photo database, a compilation of over 1,300 images from the Museum’s collection. Accessible at photos.tenement.org, the database features images of the...
ONE DAY LEFT TO SUBMIT. 3rd Ward is a New York City based arts organization that was founded on the principles of creating unique opportunities for artists and present innovative artwork. Offering interdisciplinary art education...