Photograph by Peter Menzel, from the portfolio, 'Factory Farming' appearing in Daylight Magazine issue #7
News from Daylight
Andrea Diefenbach: Aids in Odessa April 30th - June 6th, Reception: Apr. 30th @ 6pm ClampArt, 521-531 West 25th St., NYC
Photograph uploaded by Pan-African News Wire, this image shows Madagascar military driving through the streets of Antananarivo in March of 2009.
Taken by an unknown photographer in 1920, this image shows a group of Red Cross workers gathered around the engine of an ambulance.
Photograph taken Eneas De Troya on April 24th 2009, this image shows several people wearing masks in Mexico City.
Taken by an unknown photographer between 1880 and 1920, this image shows travelers on a road in Ski Lanka.