News from Daylight

Canadian dig yields tiny dinosaur (BBC)

Taken by an unknown photographer in 1921, this image shows Norman Ross of the National Museum preparing the skeleton of a baby dinosaur for exhibition.  

Troops Face New Tests in Afghanistan (Washington Post)

Photograph by Roger Hutchings, from the portfolio 'Home Front' appearing in Daylight Magazine issue #2. Name index:  Roger Hutchings

Australia declares disaster over oil spill (CNN)

Taken by an unknown photographer in 1899, this image shows an oil well in mid eruption.

Iraqi shoe hurler sentenced to 3 years in prison (LA Times)

Photograph by Alfred Palmer in 1942, depicting an American infantryman in training at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. 

Connecticut Could Restrict Raw Milk Sales (New York Times)

Photograph by Peter Menzel, from the portfolio 'Factory Farming' appearing in Daylight Magazine Issue #7. Name index:  Peter Menzel

Rich list hit by economic crisis (BBC)

Photograph by Ivor Pickett, from the portfolio 'Gold Mining in Mongolia' appearing in Daylight Magazine Issue #5. Name index:  Ivor Prickett