UPDATE: The deadline for reading reviews portfolios at the International Photography AwardEMERGENTES has been changed to August 15th!More info: http://encontrosdaimagem.com/pt/news/2013/novo-prazo-para-as-leituras-criticas-de-portfolios-emergentes-dst-2013-15-de-agosto/(Page must be translated to English)
News from Daylight
Writers, the BREESE LITTLE Prize for Art Criticism deadline has been extended for the most recent Volume (VIII) to Friday 20th September.Award: £600Guidelines: http://www.breeselittle.com/#/prize-for-art-criticism/4543108486
Calling all Photojournalists! The 2013 Ian Parry Scholarship deadline is August 1st 2013. They will be exhibiting the winner’s work at MOTHER, London for two weeks during September. More Info:...
For a small fee of $10 you can submit a photo to LightBox's upcoming show Mobile Magic. Every submission will be printed and delivered to their artist (even if their...
This is a chance for four amazing photographers to exhibit at the Paris Photo exhibition, be reviewed by several experts, and to sell their work! Deadline: Sept 19 2013Read rules regulations...
Hans Gindlesberger's series Partial Architectures is an interesting story of family, generational memory, and the German impulse to remember its national history and trauma. Find it Here: http://www.gindlesberger.com/?page_id=1130